Intelligent manufacturing one-stop operating platform contains three kinds of application products

H-ONE INThree series of products, and promote the upstream/downstream coordination, promote supply chain value

  • SRM图标

    Intelligent supply chainSRM

    pstream supply chain collaborative one-stop service, timely grasp the supplier inventory, delivery and transit state, etc.; Purchase order, tasks, task to push supplier, logistics distribution, a new generation of agile software for SRM。

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  • WMS图标

    Intelligent logisticsWMS

    Receive the SRM \ BTB \ ERP source documents, receiving the detail management, abide by first in first out, wave time outbound;Safety stock control, quality assurance period.

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  • MES图标

    Intelligent productionMES

    Take orders from source CRM \ BTB \ ERP source, assign production tasks, control the production process, integration of relevant equipment and other application platform to realize the connectivity,Based on data provide operating platform, analysis and decision for managers.

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Kunshan HuiWei Software Technology Co.

Ltd. painted first hundred counties located in Kunshan City, Kunshan, relying on the advantages of high-tech industries, based on the Yangtze River Delta manufacturing industry gathering advantages, after many years of product development and project implementation experience accumulated.

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Site:Longhua new district of shenzhen guanlan street view of ring south road yi force in science and technology park C building



H-ONE Three series products one-stop operating decision-making platform--application software trial or the door Demo
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